Security Services

Improve the security of Company Data with experts

Services provided to manage and monitor the security of systems, networks and customer data. This service includes a range of proactive and reactive measures to protect companies from cyber threats.

Security Services

Improve the security of Company Data with experts

Services provided to manage and monitor the security of systems, networks and customer data. This service includes a range of proactive and reactive measures to protect companies from cyber threats.

Our Values

Active Protection

Provides active protection against cyber threats with 24/7 monitoring and early detection.

High Skills

Have a security team that is trained and has a deep understanding of cyber attacks.

Risk Education

With consistent monitoring and proactive actions, the risk of security breaches can be reduced.

Regulatory Compliance

The company will comply with data security rules and regulations with the help of MSS.

Cost Efficiency

Using an MSS provider is often economical compared to adding an in-house cybersecurity team.


Can be tailored to company needs, including size and level of security required.

Our Solution

It can be interpreted that cloud computing is a center for managing various activities related to computers connected at the same time.

The importance of security and data protection makes PCMan try to provide special protection for data protection needs.

Endpoint security is the measure that provides security and protection to end-user devices. In this case in the use of desktops, laptops and mobile devices.

By using MDM, management and monitoring needs can be carried out simultaneously. Make the given device suitable for its purpose and use. This provides various benefits especially in case of lost devices, employee resignations, and other security factors.

Dengan menggunakan MDM, kebutuhan pengelolaan dan pemantauan dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan. Buat perangkat yang diberikan sesuai dengan tujuan dan penggunaannya. Ini memberikan berbagai keuntungan terutama jika ada perangkat yang hilang, karyawan yang mengundurkan diri, dan faktor keamanan lainnya.

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